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Atlas Ocular

Atlas Ocular


Atlas Ocular is a biotechnology company founded in 2018 in Bethesda, Maryland — a suburb of Washington, DC. Focused on the Ophthalmic and Optometric space, we develop biologic products which aid in harnessing a patient’s body’s own ability to heal itself.

Contact Information:

Ted Spear
Associate Clinical Account Manager
Mobile: 240-743-9968

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Apollo™ is an amniotic membrane product that is derived from tissue and cells and procured from human amnion. The amniotic membrane is donated by the birth mother after a scheduled cesarean birth.

Our amniotic membrane products are chorion-free, amnion-only, sterile human tissue allografts intended for human use only, to cover and protect a patient’s ocular tissue. Apollo™ is used as a ‘scaffold’ to encourage and enhance ocular tissue repair and regeneration.

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